You now know the formula to write a hit single... be sure to mention us in the liner notes.
It is the year 2002. I am talking online with a friend of mine. I had a crappy band that I was in with my brother and my Dad. We could have been a lot better if we knew anything about recording and if we would have stuck to more of the classics for our inspiration rather than blasting out our eardrums with bad Dungeons and Dragons metal. Regardless, we had this one single fan.
I asked her once if she thought that any bands had come onto the scene since 97 that she thought people would still be listening to 20 years down the road. She responded "Creed." At that point, I knew there was no hope for the future of music.
I've asked this same question to many people since, though I've modified the question to whether or not anything has emerged since 2000. The answers have always been amusing and misguided: Josh Groban, Slipknot, Panic at the Disco.... Muse, now there is one that people might still listen to 20 years from now provided they don't get too popular and we don't get sick of them.
Anyhow, as I have ventured my way through the slums of musicianhood, I have always found it interesting how people develop their tastes in music. In fact, I do believe one could make a science out of what you can tell by a persons taste of music and favorite films. These 30 bands are the bands and musicians you often hear on people's lists. They are the bands that when you really talk to people, you are hard pressed to find people that really like them. Yet they feel obliged to mention some of these bands in their list of favorites lest some sort of music gestapo is going to jump from the shadows and break their knee caps.
Now, this isn't the list of the 30 worst bands ever; that would involve a lot more Christian Rock and bands we're glad never made it anywhere. This is the list of most overrated bands. Bands America has been fellating for years that really when you think about it, they're not that good, they're not that different, they're not that talented to be the only damn thing you ever hear about.
You might be offended at first, but if you pause and reflect, deep down you know they suck.
30. The White Stripes

Imagine that you have a jobless roommate who's only purpose in life is to smoke as much pot as he can get his hands on and spend every waking moment stoned as all hell and making your life miserable. What is the one song he would play over and over again to drive you bat shit insane? The one song that will never get out of your head no matter how hard you try?
He would play "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes.
This like most of the White Stripes songs is focused on a idiotically simplistic riff that is the redundant focus of the entire song. In fact, the more you listen to the White Stripes the more you realize it sounds like the old demo recording your friend had you listen to back in high school. He recorded his garage band onto an old cassette tape using his mother's karaoke machine.
Your response to him: "Maybe you should all become accountants instead."
29. Eric Clapton

Clapton rose to fame by riding on the coat tails of much more talented musicians like Jeff Beck. The only reason I can figure out why they would have kept him around is that he looks like he could have been the person who could convince the hotel managers that they weren't going to have drug dealers and prostitutes crawling around their room, and that they would leave the rooms in reasonably good condition.
Every great guitarist has kind of an audio signature. When you hear a Malmsteen solo, you know it's Malmsteen. When you hear Slash, you know it's Slash. When you hear Stevie Ray Vaughn, you know it's Stevie. Clapton on the other hand, he sounds just like a million other hacks of the era. The ones who learned all the scales but not how to put any of their own flavor on them. So Eric Clapton can play a guitar, okay, but look up the average list of Best Guitarists Ever. Eric Clapton is always on there. Yngwie Malmsteen isn't. Compare their work, would you agree with that?
28. Nickleback

A friend of mine posted a video on youtube that clearly illustrates why this band sucks so much.
If that wasn't enough, here is a sampling of the lyrics from their latest piece of audiovomit "Something in your Mouth."
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with
something in your mouth
Case closed.
27. Weezer

The fact that you once made fun of Happy Days and had a video with the Muppets in it only made you cool for like 5 minutes. When we look over your entire catalog however, we can't find much redeemable in songs like, "Say it ain't so," and "Hashpipe."
This is a clear cut case where people are confusing a modest degree of quirkiness for genius. The case against Weezer is only compounded by the fact that they are so overplayed.
The next time you are throwing a Rockband party. Just watch how fast the room clears when you are forced to play that boring and uninspired Weezer song. Than watch everyone come back in the room to laugh at you when you fail 85% of the way through "Green Grass and High Tides," for the 900th time.
26. Coldplay

The band originally was named "Starfish." Look up "Starfish" on Urban Dictionary and you will find that Starfish is another term for your anus. As in, every one of Coldplay's songs sound like something they just yanked out of their anus. Though I'm pretty sure a band that would actually be called "Anus" would have to sound infinitely better than Coldplay.
I'm sorry, but every time a Coldplay song is played the only thing it inspires in me is a bad car commercial with some modestly attractive female driving along a winding road while the sun is rising. As she glaces to the back seat she is given a sense of reassurance in the fact that her baby is safe and asleep in it's car seat.
That's right, listen to Coldplay and buy a car!
25. The Dave Matthews Band

We have this band right under Coldplay because, honestly, if they played Dave Matthews right next to Coldplay would you be able to tell that the two songs were done by different bands?
This is a band that is so uninspired that their name is what it is because they couldn't come up with anything decent when it came time for the club owner to put the name of the band up on the marquee.
These are the kinds of musicians that you don't give money to when they are playing with a guitar case open at the pedestrian mall. This is mainly because Eli the Cello guy is right up the road and he is so much more awesome and mysterious. Oh and did I mention that all their songs are about masturbation? Honestly, I know we all do it, but some of us can still talk about other things than just wanking all the time.
24. Billy Joel

How suicidal are you? A real quick way to get killed real fast... Find any place where there is a major traffic jam, roll down your window, and blare "Uptown Girl" as loud as you can. Moments later you will be meeting your maker and getting snubbed by the likes of Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix.
23. Sonic Youth
8 minutes of the same damned riff over and over again, Hooray! "But hey man, this stuff is so deep!" It only seems deep because you've been stoned out of your gourd since 89.
Yeah, where were you when you got the news that Kurt Cobain was dead? Oh yeah that's right, you where smoking a bong on your mother's couch and you responded with, "Bummer man."
It was only a few hours later when you started to come down that we had to take the knife away from you as you were shouting. "KURT! I'M COMING TO JOIN YOU BRO!"
Yeah, these are the kind of people that actually like Sonic Youth.
22. Counting Crows

There is a long series of bands out there that do the exact same kind of generic rock and you can't tell one band from the next. Counting Crows would be the worst offender, probably seconded by Collective Soul. Collective Soul didn't make this list because they aren't played as much any more and morons don't gush over them still like Starbucks whores still do over Counting Crows.
21. Fall Out Boy

On every college campus in the United States at this very moment there is the same mouth breathing, puffed chest, douchebag wearing the same green shirt that says "Listen to Fallout Boy." His major is generally something like "Horticulture," or "I'm just exploring my options bro." He carries on his back an acoustic guitar. He only knows 5 chords, but those are all he has to know to play the song he wrote about the one that got away to all of choppy haired, humanities majors that swoon over him.
Fall out Boy is the epitome of the new "Whine Rock" genre. They are the new voice of rebellion, and rebellion has become a skinny, whiny, dopey mutant with an anime haircut.
Are you throwing up in your mouth a little bit? You should be.
20. Fleetwood Mac

For a drug habit like Stevie Nicks had, you'd at least expect the music to be a little edgier. Fleetwood Mac's music indicates more that it is lead by someone with an addiction to diet pills and sleep aids rather than a hardcore cocaine addiction.
The product they produced for years was really a saccharine atomic bomb that I don't see how it ever passed for rock.
As Avril Lavigne is to punk. Fleetwood Mac was to rock.
19. Def Leopard

Speaking of saccharine. Here we have the cheap substitute for hair metal.
While the Crue was having contests to see who could still get laid without showering for months on end, and dying from drug overdoses only to be resurrected in the ICU. The only real hardcore claim to fame that Def Leopard had was the fact that their drummer lost an arm.
The whole point of the Hair Metal rocker was that these were supposed to be guys you would not trust around your underage daughters. Def Leopard on the other hand, these are the guys that after being left alone in a room with your daughter all day long. You'd come back to find that they were only drinking diet coke, and all they did was talk. Mostly about how hard Algebra is.
18. Nirvana

Kurt Cobain, the immortal slacker god of Seattle. He proved that a bunch of guys who look like they're homeless, can't really play anything, and probably got all their gear second hand can become icons that shape culture and society.
Problem is. He died 15 years ago and people that weren't even old enough to be in Kindergarten when he died still act as if his death was only yesterday. Worse yet, we haven't really had anyone who most people would call a "Legend" since than. I would argue Dimebag Darrel was immortalized by his death, but for some reason you don't hear old Pantera songs played over and over again on rock radio stations still, its Nirvana. Sometimes you will hear the same Nirvana song played 4 or 5 times throughout the day on certain stations, like it was a new single we haven't heard before.
I'm sure when Cobain crossed over to the other side the first thing that happened was that Morrison and Hendrix took turns giving him swirlies, and to this day he probably is stuffed in the locker every day for being the douchebag that killed rock and roll.
17. Elton John

Crocodile Rock... enough said. Oh, and have you heard this man's voice?
16. Stevie Wonder

Okay, I'll admit that what he does is impressive for being a blind guy but that doesn't mean that its anything near genius when compared to the whole scope of musicians who didn't have such hindering disabilities. Or hell, compare Stevie Wonder to Beethoven who was deaf for crap sake!
In the end Stevie is considered a legend, and his music is probably requested more than anyone elses for grocery stores and elevators.
15. Bruce Springsteen

There is an episode of the Office that pretty much sums up many people's attitude about Springsteen. What was it that he sang again? Yeah there was that "Born in the USA" song, but than.... nope... that song was done by Huey Lewis and the News.... nope... that was a Billy Joel song... Wait. What did he do than?
What he did do was entirely forgettable. The exception being his performance at the most recent Superbowl which was so pathetic that anyone who saw it will probably never forget it.
14. Sublime

Every summer they come out. The horrible mutants with bleached hair, riding around in their topless jeeps with no shirts on and wearing puka shell necklaces. The don't seem to mind the fact that they have a third degree sunburn.
As they cut you off on the freeway you hear "WHOOOOOOOOO!" followed by the trailing sound of "Amber is the color of your energy."
It was the brand of Reggae rock that made people who shop at the Hollister think they are somehow hip. The Date Rape song is now the ultimate anthem for justice and female empowerment, and every day can be like trying to surf in Southern California while on Heroin.
Once again, if dude would not have OD'd, we probably would have just forgotten about this band by now.
13. Greenday

There are many people I meet who seem like normal well adjusted people. They tell me they like punk music. Thus I start going off on the Dead Kennedys and Jello Biafra's spoken word, and how I don't agree with his ideology but I still admire what he does... and I get in return that same blank face that says "I have no idea what the hell you are saying."
Then to break the uncomfortable silence they will chime in, "So Blink 182 is getting back together."
I would love nothing more than to see Jello Biafra at the front line of a real punk army, leading the battle to give every Green Day fan the kind of thrashing that you could only get from a real punk concert. When every Green Day fan was pummeled they would all crack open a can of Pabst and break into a round of "So What!?" by the Anti-Nowhere League.
12. 311

When I first heard their single "Down," I didn't think the band was gonna go anywhere because it sounded to me like a cheap rip off of Faith No More.
By the time they made "Come Original" I was laughing at the irony as this was a band that was so original that at first they were trying to copy what Faith No More did, and that all thier songs after that all sounded the same... except maybe they tried ripping off sublime a little bit too.
I'm not sure who came first, Sublime or 311, I don't even care who actually did the song "Amber is the Color of your Energy" its a bad song no matter what piece of shit is singing it, but it sounds to me like the concept behind 311 was "Hey lets make a band that sounds like a cheap combination of Faith No More and Sublime!"
11. The Steve Miller Band

The quintessential band for musicians that sound like they are bored as hell while performing. "Take the Money and Run," sounds like someone dragged his ass out of bed five minutes before he was put in front of the microphone and forced to record it. And what the hell is up with that annoying "Abbra Cadabra" song?
I'm sure on Wednesday nights Steve Miller and Eric Clapton get together and get into petty little arguments over iced tea as to which one of them is the more boring and generic.
10. John Cougar Mellencamp

...And then at some point John Cougar Mellencamp shows up sucking on a lemon wedge with his hawaiian shirt half unbuttoned and asks "So what are we talking about here?"
To which both Eric Clapton and Steve Miller respond, "Nevermind, you've already clearly won this argument."

Sometimes I wonder if the same skinny, bald, white guy fronts all of these bands. Could Moby possibly be the lead singer of REM and LIVE as well, but under Pseudonyms? If so he would single handedly win the "Wimpiest Man In The World" award.
If U2 wasn't as damned popular no one would be able to tell the difference between an REM song and a U2 song if they were put back to back. I think U2 has been around longer though so REM would obviously be taking thier queues from U2. Either way, REM sings about how life sucks, U2 sings about how America sucks -they are more than willing to take America's money however.-
If the Weezer song is enough to clear the room at your Rockband party, when you are forced to play REM's "Orange Crush," thats about the time people start saying "Can we play something else?" or "Can we just put in a movie now?"
8. The Police

We can just sing the same line over and over again and people will think it's brilliant!
Ill send an sos to the world
Ill send an sos to the world
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle
Message in a bottle
Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Yes Sting is a genius. He fooled you into paying money for this!
7. The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

The same guy who made the video of himself playing Nickleback with one finger pointed out to me once how "Dani California" is note for note the same damned song as "Mary Jane's Last Dance" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. How much do you suck when you are stealing the one song by Tom Petty that people actually like?
That and they can't seem to sing about anything else but their love/hate relationship with the state of California. Maybe they throw something in there about Pillates, Unicorns, and how music is like an Airplane... flying over the state of California.
Who wants Schwarzenegger's sloppy seconds? If no one else wants them we know RHCP will take them.
6. Bob Dylan

Warbling like a madman possibly drunk on Thunderbird and playing the same dammed chord over and over and over and over, and than.... HARMONICA SOLO! All of his songs are like this, and none of them ever seem to end.
But he was such a great influence on so many musicians. An influence on how not to write music!

Lord almighty! Satan sent down the immortal corruptors of the youth and all of their grease paint, glitter, sweat and body haired horror! Whatever is a good christian to do?
Hark ye warriors of God. Feast your eyes upon the demons in action so you will know what kind of evil your children are up against.
Gene Simmons tried so hard to erase this film from history. But even will all of the powers of Satan and his fire breathing abilities the lord Jesus saw fit for all of us to see how retarded Kiss is forever!
Than to add insult to injury. Gene Simmons decides he needs to ride on Ozzy's coat tails and decides to get his own reality show to show the whole world how stupidly rich and maladjusted his family is.
In the end, the message from Gene Simmons to Satan: "Screw you douchebag, I'm rich enough to buy Hell now!"
4. The Beach Boys

The immortal sound of surf? More like the immortal soundtrack for buses filled with invalids from the nursing home on their way to a day of fun in the sun! This day is cut short when the nursing home director requires stitches and a tetanus injection for stepping barefooted on a broken crack pipe laying in the sand.
That broken crack pipe... now that is the real immortal voice of California.
A place where every prostitute and waitress is just buying time till they get their big break. Where those who have gotten their big break are found dead in puddles of their own vomit. Where you pay your plastic surgeon before you pay your rent. And where people who like the beach boys find out just how easily they can get their fanny pack stolen.
Just remember. In a world that has gone crazy, at least we can look back with fond memories on those clean cut, perfectly sane Beach Boys.
3. The Greatful Dead

If people only thought "Cream" or "Strawberry Alarmclock" when they thought "Hippies" than I'm sure that Hippies wouldn't be hated so much.
The Grateful Dead gave the Hippies all of the bad connotations of not showering, patchouli, and horrible folk music.
14 hour Hippie jam session anyone?
2. U2

The fact that these guys can write a song as horrible as "The Sweetest Thing" and not only have people buy it but get an equally as horrible movie named after it stands as testament as to why all should loathe this band.
This is also compounded by the fact that everywhere we turn we are reminded of how Bono is the most altruistic and progressive person on planet earth.
Of course you can't lay any criticism on the douchebag because every time I have done so in a public setting I've had someone berate me asking what I have done lately to help save the planet.
I'll tell you what I have done, I'm hard at work every day trying to convince people that the douchebags like Bono that got us into this mess in the first place are not going to be able to save us. I'm hard at work trying to dispel the myth of Utopia and trying to convince people that they have to take responsibility for their own lives while douchers like Bono are on the "Lets get government to solve all our problems" bandwagon.
The fact that he's allowed to prance around like a prize pony at the G8 summit while reputable economists are shut out for having "dissenting opinions" goes to show how utterly screwed we are. All of the worlds problems are now going to be solved with the same matter of careful attentive care that was put into writing "The Sweetest Thing."
1. Elvis

The Epitome of American Culture. He couldn't sell God to the masses, so he sold sex to teenagers and became God.
He didn't write his own songs, he didn't even pick out his own wardrobe. Liberace helped him out in that department. All he had to do was sing and shake his hips and he became America's golden calf.
He became so popular purely for his sex appeal. Other musicians of that era uncontested had more talent that Elvis would ever posses. Little Richie's flamboyant homosexuality and Jerry Lee Lewis' penchant for his under age cousin took away the boyscout appeal that is needed for a true sex bomb to sell to the masses.
Elvis died purple, bloated, and on the toilet while teenage girls were forced to wrestle wearing nothing but white briefs for his majesties viewing pleasure. He stopped showering, was thought to eat upwards of 30,000 calories a day, but we still worship him as the end all tell all sex God that sent us down our path of sin and debauchery.
The king. As tacky as a green, paisley, velvet sofa, with brass buttons and gold fringe all the way around it. Some love it because it is so horribly tacky, the rest just have bad taste.
-Jeff and Kate Moir
Love this!!